Tuesday, July 8

Getting the Show on the Road

Well, it's a big day for the DISTURBED crew. Everyone is flying in and needs a ride to the White River Amphitheater, where the festival will be. It's a travel and work day. The 'Gig' as they call it, is about 30 minutes away from the hotel and everybody's got a job to get to.

Photobucket Rudy Leiren (left) and Barret Stevens (back) unload one truck of equipment. Photo: Maddie Leiren

"First you unload, then you set up. Then you run it, and run it, and run it," said Barrett Stevens of what rehearsal day usually looks like.

Rehearsal day is tomorrow. The stage won't actually go up until tomorrow. Today, it's just taking a look at what the crew's got, it's all about making sure everything needed for a show is in place. Speakers are set up backstage, the new drum kit is assembled, and the crew make sure everything is accounted for.

Backstage at the gig. Photo: Maddie Leiren

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