Slipknot's Corey Taylor
Photo: Jo Hale/ Getty Images
As many of you know, DISTURBED is Co-headlining with SLIPKNOT, an even heavier metal group. SLIPKNOT goes on stage right after DISTURBED, (who's got all their set off the stage in seven minutes or less). There's usually a half hour for set changes between bands, but don't think people are off buying hot dogs and pop during that time.
In fact, the mosh pit stays the same. No one wants to miss these two bands back-to-back. And the band is doing more than their fair share to make sure the fans are happy.
When watching the show from backstage with DISTURBED band members, (when standing there, they made me feel a LOT safer about those guys on stage... I'm made uneasy pretty easily) I noticed their DJ, DJ Sid Wilson (a.k.a. #0), was heavily relying on the stage to hold him up as he got back to his seat behind the DJ booth.
At first, I thought he was just trying to look creepy, play up the role and all, but when I saw stage hands on stage, helping him into his seat, I knew something was up.
Later that night at the mixer, a sort of BBQ party that's supposedly held after each show on the road by catering, Rumors were going around. "He broke his ankle," you'd hear one person say. "He twisted his leg!" another would say.
But, coming straight from the band's mouth in a MTV interview, Wilson jumped off the set to add a little kick to the show, and broke both his ankles the first show of the tour.
Wilson is now in a wheelchair, but is performing every night.
"Both his feet were black and blue — and deep. The bruises go, like, 2 inches in. But he's up there every night, no problem. He's so out of his mind, he's got a big bruise on his face because he's not used to slamming his head in a wheelchair. So he's got a huge bruise on his face from smacking his head into his tables. It never ends. You think you're out of it, and then you're back in, on some other painful level," said bandmate Shawn "Clown" Crahan of what happened when the casts came off.
Photo: Maddie Leiren
With nine members in the band, a lot of injuries have happened in the past; guitarists breaking wrists, band members getting ill. But, this time, Wilson refuses to keep them off the road.
After getting off the stage, Wilson was rushed to an ambulance and taken to the local hospital.
No other reported injuries so far on this tour. Let's keep it that way, guys!
Here's some of Slipknot's music, for those of you who are curious:
-Maddie >
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