Saturday, July 26

News of the New!

Well, I've set up a new option for everyone: at the bottom of each post, there's a little link that says 'comment!' That is now a function that anyone can use, anonymous or not. So, you can share your thoughts, feelings, and suggestions through those now.

I've got my flight information for Monday, I'm heading off island on the 7:00 AM flight. I don't arrive in Tampa until 10:45 that night. I've also got a two hour layover in both Seattle and Denver. LONG day.

But, I'm looking forward to it. I'm packing my bathing suit and shorts and hoping I won't die in the heat.

Bus life: something I'm nervous about. The guys are all really cool, but it's like someone coming and living in your house for a week. They can either get really cool or really annoying. I hope that with sleep deprivation and lack of privacy I'm considered more the former and less the latter... We'll see how it goes.

More updates to come!


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